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M E E T   R E B E C C A   K E N N A R D

"May the God of Hope fill you

with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Romans 15:13 NRSV


My name is Rebecca Kennard and I am the founder of Transformations for Children & Adults.  I have been in private practice since 1991 working in my home individually with 10-15 clients per week.  I also conduct seminars on a regular basis at which parents and professionals alike learn how to alleviate the detrimental effects of learning disabilities.  I have a BS in English from Colorado State University in Pueblo.   I received my initial training in BIT from Dianne Craft MA, CNHP of Littleton, CO.  Since that time my passion for research and development have brought additional changes and many improvements to the process OF "REPATTERNING."  The use of the Acuspark is my innovation and has greatly improved the efficacy and permanence of the therapy.   I have been married to my high school sweetheart Ken for many years and we have one son Josh, who is an artist and an entrepreneur.


When I first began working with struggling learners in the early 1990's the concept of "rewiring your brain" was completely foreign to many people including many teachers and those in the  medical community.  Then President Bush declared the 1990's to be "The Decade of the Brain" and our understanding of one of God's most amazing creations was radically transformed by years and years of intense research which continues to this day.   Surprisingly, more than 90% of what we know about the human brain has only been discovered in the last 25 years and there is so much more to learn.


Now the concept of "Brain Plasticity" which is the brain's ability to change itself based on experience,  is commonplace and therapies like Brain Integration Therapy, Brain Gym, EFT, Thought Field Therapy and  Splankna are enjoying an explosion of acceptance.  Thankfully people are finding out that learning struggles are not immutable and unchangeable.  You need not have a life sentence for difficulty because we can "rewire your brain" and make learning so much easier.  We really can help you deal with life's physical and emotional trauma's and help you find the life you thought you could only dream of.



My Philosophy

One of the greatest gifts to me of learning to repattern has been a shift in my own perception of people.  I now see people who are struggling as "treaure chests" and as a therapist I am just looking for the right key to unlock the treaure that God has deposited in each individual.  It's a very redemptive lens to see the world through.  Being able to help people in such tangible ways has transformed my life.


I am deeply commited to the belief that others can learn how to do this life transforming therapy and find the same kind of success with students of all ages that I have been able to achieve. I would love to teach you what I know.  I encourge you to pray about taking some of our courses to see if this is something you would like to do for your family or if you would like to have your own business.  This may be what God had in mind for you when He thought of you in the first place.


Our History

Transformations for Children & Adults is the new name for our company but it has been my goal since I began this work in 1991...We are looking for Transformation---one life and one family at a time.  I provide Brain Integration Therapy on an individual basis for various kinds of learning disabilities.  People with head injuries have also found great relief in our sessions.  We also work with adults who have had childhood trauma and/or who are seeking to resolve personal problems so they can live more fulfilling and successful lives.  I also teach classes in how to Repattern to parents and other professionals.  In most cases our consultants are not licensed nutritionists, psychologists, psychotherapists or medical practitioners but we do work in concert with many who are and we have trained many people who use this therapy in their practice of those disciplines.


We have found that Repatterning will multiply the effectiveness of almost any other therapy that you are using.

Most of our consultants got into this work because they had children or loved ones who were struggling and this was an answer to prayer for them.  Because of this all of us are deeply invested in doing all we can to bring healing to your situation because we understand the problems involved on a very personal level.

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