How Transformations BIT Works
Each time a client comes in for Transformations Brain Integration Therapy, the consultant will do a quick evaluation of where the brain wiring seems to be strong and weak. Each week will focus on a new task. Tasks include things like: tracking across the page smoothly, tracking down the page smoothly, hearing and remembering your silent voice, and so on. The consultant will not move on to a new task until the last task proves to be strong.
Each session will focus on a single activity and how the body is functioning in relation to that activity. An example is having a student track a pencil from side to side 18" away from his face. This will test whether the student can track easily from side to side when reading. When the eyes work together well, both sides of the brain get engaged in processes like reading.
The second step is for the client to make an affirmation. The person will say out loud a statement like, "My eyes work well together when I read." The statement creates an objective for the body and brain to achieve.
The third step in the process is to check whether
this statement is true or false. Does the student
have adequate neurological wiring to do this
task easily and automatically as the eyes work
together, or is the student literally switching
from eye to eye when reading? The process of
muscle checking can determine what the body
and brain knows to be true about the statement.
Muscle Checking works on the same principle
as a lie detector. If the body is integrated for the
task the muscle check will be strong. If the brain
and body are not integrated, the muscle check
will be weak. This process allows the consultant
to test the true quality of the neurological wiring
in the brain for any given task.
Based on the check, the consultant asks the client to do specific exercises. For example, the client may march in place touching the right hand to the left knee and vice versa, looking up and to the left as he does so. Doing the "Cross Crawl" activates both sides of the brain at the same time. Having the eyes look to a certain place selectively activates the brain for that given activity. This process opens up the pathways in the brain for simultaneous processing of the task.
After performing the activity, the consultant performs additional checks to see how the body and brain are learning from the activity. When the checks show movement in the desired direction, the consultant can then move on to another task.
TBIT Therapy is very efficient, and generally one only has to Repattern for a certain task once. Repetition is necessary for the success of the process, however, and it takes at least six weeks of therapy to make everything more permanent. One therapy session will build upon another. Clients who have the greatest success are those who work faithfully on their exercises at home, and meet their weekly appointments.
Between sessions, the client performs about twenty minutes worth of light exercises each day. The exercises are designed to stimulate multiple parts of the brain to get them working together on tasks. Practice through exercises helps the parts of the brain work together automatically, and thus more easily. Exercises will also help to eliminate the "Fight or Flight" response which can also hinder new learning.
The consultant will also give the client hints regarding other techniques that help learning. For example, the consultant might help clients understand visual learning strategies. Words and concepts can be stored in the brain as pictures rather than as groups of letters and sentences. Visual memory is long term auditory memory is short term so many times pictures are easier to remember. You have heard about people who have photographic memories. These people literally store what they see as pictures -- a picture of a page in a book, or a picture of a room. When they need to remember, they bring back the picture and read the answer off the page or look around the room to see what they need to see.
In summary, Brain Integration Therapy
defines an area on which work will be done,
sets an objective,
performs physical activity designed to achieve the objective, and
checks to see whether the objective has been achieved.
When the client has the right level of success the right number of times, that learning pattern becomes programmed in the brain, and client is better able to use the pattern for effective learning and expression.